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Numerology Insights That Add Up


Tools for curious, intrepid and out-of-the-box thinkers.

From self-awareness to relationship compatibility, numerology offers a lens to better understand yourself and the world around you. By examining the connections between numbers, you can gain valuable insights into the energy shaping your life’s path.

Explore our collection of readings and resources to decode your life

The World Numerology app, with 20 Readings and Charts

The World Numerology app
with 20 Readings & Charts!

Take the Journey

Embark on the path to self-discovery through numerology. Let's begin.

Instant access to your Free Daily Number Forecast and 8-page Personal Reading

Numerology App for PC-Windows by Decoz

Reviews of Our Numerology App
(iPhone 4,8 stars, iPad 4.8 stars, Android 4.5 stars. 594 ratings.)

What is Numerology?

Discover the meaning and influence of numerology

Decoding The Patterns. The Study of Numbers and How They Affect Us

Master Numerologist Hans Decoz discusses the origins and applications of numerology.

Monthly Forecast

Check out your personal monthly Numerology Forecast

Check out your Free Monthly Forecast.

Get a heads up on changes that impact you this month! Knowledge is power - when you are prepared you will be able to handle whatever comes your way.

2025 Global Forecast

Read Hans Decoz analysis and predictions for the coming year.

Read Hans Decoz' analysis and predictions for the coming year on a global scale.

It will be everything you expected, and it will be nothing you could have imagined. Its impact will only be surpassed by the year 2026...

Your Yearly Forecast

Monthly Relationship Numerology Forecast

Your Yearly & Monthly Forecast describes 2025 and 2026, + the next 12 months in detail. Available in PDF by email or in our App!

Bonus: Also includes the next 100 days Daily Number Forecast.

Fundamentals of Numerology

Understanding numerology and accessing resources

Our collection of free numerology resources, including a Life Path calculator and overview of each digit’s distinct qualities, is curated to provide greater insight into how numbers impact your experiences.

Books by Hans Decoz

Love and Numbers, numerology book focused on relationship compatibility

Discover the secrets of compatibility, and embrace the power of numbers.

595 reviews on Amazon, 4.7 stars


All readings and charts are the latest work by Master Numerologist Hans Decoz.


Google him, he has consistently produced the most accurate readings for over 30 years.

More than 3 million readings by Decoz sold since 1987

Four of the ten highest-traffic numerology sites got their start running Decoz' software
